
Beware Of Dog Diarrhea! Acute And Chronic Dog Diarrhea

Beware Of Dog Diarrhea! Acute And Chronic Dog Diarrhea

Few dog owners realize and accept the fact that dog diarrhea can be very dangerous. The major reason for such danger is dog dehydrated and as a result weakness. Generally, diarrhea can be the result of different things, but eating spoilt or wrong food can be truly called the main one of them. In order to avoid this problem, dog owners should always know that humans should eat human food, while dogs have their own food.

In general,Mbt Sandalen Sadiki, theree two types of diarrhea: acute and chronic. Acute diarrhea can be successfully treated in home surrounding, while a dog suffering from chronic diarrhea has to be thoroughly examined by a veterinarian. Let discuss these two types of dog diarrhea in detail.

Acute diarrhea:


This type of dog diarrhea is caused by different kinds of bacteria in food eaten or licked by a dog before. However, diarrhea can be also caused by roundworms, stress, and viruses.


Acute diarrhea usually lasts up to two weeks and can be treated in home conditions. It characterized by the watery stools,Mbt Schuhe Koshi, but you can also find mucus and blood in your dog's feces. Suffering from acute diarrhea a dog can become extremely weak, lie all the time. The worst thing that may happen during diarrhea is dehydration of your dog body. So,Mbt Schuhe Kipimo, in order to avoid it give your dog as much water as possible.


You can use home remedies of diarrhea treatment, but you should be very careful studying your dog illness, check up whether your dog feels better in the course of treatment and of course be in touch with your veterinarian. You can follow some of the following tips on treatment acute diarrhea in dogs:

- Your dog should stick to a special diet eating mainly easily digested foods, for instance,MBT Tariki Schuhe, rice and boiled chicken. Avoid fatty or oily foods.

- Give your dog a probiotic supplement like Canine Fortiflora to improve gastrointestinal activity. A probiotic proves to be very effective in treating dog diarrhea.

- Give your dog as much water as possible in order to prevent dehydration of its body. There always should be a bowl of fresh water near your dog. Clean your dog water and food bowls regularly.

Taking care of your ill dog,Mbt Schuhe Raha, check u its weight in order to determine how difficult its health state is. Further you can understand whether your dogs health improves or on the contrary worsens. In the latter situation, have your dog examined by the veterinarian as soon as possible. The doctor will determine what further treatment measures should be taken.

Chronic diarrhea:


If a dog has chronic diarrhea it usually means that it suffers from one of health problems: pancreatitis, parasites, a food allergy, inflammatory bowel disease, etc. there can be some other causes as well,MBT Sini Schuhe, but they are very difficult to define on one own, so the veterinarian will better diagnose your dog by making different tests.


If diarrhea lasts more than two weeks it called chronic. Some other symptoms of chronic diarrhea include lack or no energy, weight loss, rough hair or coat,MBT Kisumu 2 Sandale, and dehydration. The latter can become a real problem, so be careful to give your dog great amounts of water.


A dog suffering from chronic diarrhea should be immediately taken to the veterinarian for examination and evaluation. Unfortunately, if a dog has chronic diarrhea it means that theree more serious health problems as well. It has been learnt that some home treatments of chronic diarrhea bring more harm than good. For this reason it recommended to take your dog to the veterinarian before starting any treatment on your own. However, you can give your dog a probiotic like Fortiflora before visiting the vet.

Summing up, it necessary to say that if your dog has been suffering from diarrhea for more than two weeks it should be taken to the vet as soon as possible, otherwise it can be dangerous for your dog life. Although acute diarrhea can be treated at home, you can take advice from a professional vet as well. Remember to always follow your vet's recommendations and your dog will bring you much happiness for many years to come.


